4 parallel Working Groups (29.11.2018, 14:30-15:45, breakout room B1)
2. WG on building strong knowledge exchange ecosystems to stimulate SSH valorisation (Hosted by ENRESSH) (Policies and support structures for SSH valuation and impact)
Round-table discussion with chair: Paul BENNEWORTH, CHEPS – Center for Higher Education Policy Studies at the TU – University of Twente.
Gemma DERRICK, LU – Lancaster University
- Jon HOLM, Research Council of Norway
- Slaven MIHALJEVIĆ, MZO – Ministry of Science and Education of Republic of Croatia
- Natasa JERMEN, LZMK – Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography
- Poul HOLM, Trinity College Dublin
Rapporteur: Christoph KÖLLER, G&K – Görgen & Köller GmbH